Time is short, so let's get to the
heart of it. We're all looking for new quick and easy ways to get loads
of fresh traffic and backlinks to our sites.
But, when it comes down to it, few advertising
solutions are pain-free.
Pay-per-click search engines take countless hours
of management (if you don't want to bust the bank). And free
search engine traffic is often unreliable. Because one-day
you're on top... and the next... you're nowhere to be found!
Plus let's not forget banners, e-zine advertising,
and other small ads that take time-consuming testing and
tracking to make profitable.
But, what about articles? There's a very
good chance you've already heard about...
The Power of Articles To Promote Your Website.
They're known as the fastest surefire way to boost
your websites' search rankings, gain credibility (and respect)
from potential customers, and flood your website with FREE
traffic from publications around the web.
Many marketers even consider them their "Go-to"
solution for getting quality traffic... especially when they don't
want to spend a fortune on pricey advertising.
Simply type up a short article -- and thousands of
websites and e-publications rush to publish your in-demand
content (along with your resource box inside). This means
each article you write, results in...
A Massive Surge of FREE Advertising.
But, are articles the magic advertising solution?
Nope. Quite frankly, they come with their problems too.
First, you've got to write them. And Most people
hate writing. To many it feels like
hemorrhaging blood!
And after you've managed to squeak out an article, you've
then got to find people who want it.
The common way to do this is to submit to the countless article
But, this takes forever. Not to mention, it
requires a never ending patience. Fact is, if you're going to
make articles part of your business, then...
You Need A Shortcut To Writing and Distributing Your Articles!
After all, just consider the key benefits
they provide:
Helps improve your search rankings (because of hundreds of quality backlinks that quickly add-up over time),
Gets your pages into the search engines quick (because of search engine spiders pouring into your sites),
Establishes you as the expert (and makes you "famous" in your market),
And sends you FREE targeted traffic from website owners and e-zine publishers who pick up your articles.
Simply put, the results articles provide means
they are a "must have" part of everybody's promotion arsenal.
And this brings us to an exciting development.
You see, we've taken...
The Proven Technique Of Article Writing And Made It Quicker, Easier, and More Profitable!
Let us introduce you to Instant Article Submitter -- A new tool from Rod Beckwith and Jeff Alder son.
You may be familiar with some of
the other tools
under our belts, including Press Equalizer, Traffic Equalizer,
Ad Word Analyzer, and many other tools that increase profits and save
time for marketers, webmasters, or search engine experts like
Instant Article Submitter
is an easy-to-download PC software you can run right on your
It submits to the major
directories (most with high page-rank) so you get maximum exposure without
having to labor for days on end.
But, Does It Really Work?
Well, let's consider this for a moment
At this very moment there are thousands of publishers
scouring article directories for articles.
Some need it to bring life to their websites. Others use it for their electronic
magazines or blogs because they don't have the time to write
articles themselves.
Whatever the reason, if you put-out a quality
article, the simple mathematics mean you have an
amazing opportunity.
However, Don't Take Our Word For It, Let's Look At The Results:
To show how effective Instant Article Submitter
is, we put it to the test to show you the results.
We submitted an article
entitled, "4 Quick and Easy Insider Tips To Turbo-Charge Your
Google Adwords’ Sales."
Here's what it looked like before we put instant
article submitter to work:
As you can see, it had not been found by Google.
Next, we put Instant Article Submitter to work by
inputting our article:
We typed in the title, the header (or description
publishers see in the directories), keywords for publishers to
find the article, and the actual article.
Also, notice how you can save, print, spellcheck,
preview your articles. Plus, it even gives you a word
Next we fill-in the information required by most
directories every time you submit an article:
It only takes a minute.
After that, we're almost home free. All
that's left is selecting the category where we want our article
to appear. In this example, we choose the general category,
"Advertising" so we don't have to go through every category
Most are filled in automatically:
And, that's it! We're all done.
Now, just sit-back, relax and hit the start button
to put your copy of Instant Article Submitter to work:
We can even watch
Instant Article Submitter working using a built-in search browser
by hitting the "View button".
Then, after it's done, we have a complete run-down of
the results by hitting the "results" button:
You get the complete status of each article.
And, if this was our first time using it, then
we'd sign-up for the directories that require a password using
th IAS sign-up software:
This is a semi-automated solution you only use the
1st time.
It allows you to quickly and easily
register for directories requiring registration (this means more
directories are compatible with the software!)
Just tell it your name, email, address, preferred
username and password, and hit the "Sign-up" button. Then,
the IAS sign-up tool takes care of the rest!
And don't forget the scheduling feature -- another
time-saving feature if you have multiple articles:
Just select the correct article, start and end
time, how often you want it to submit, and which directories to
place it in. Here's what the main scheduling screen looks
Then, you've just got to go back and see the
results of all your submissions
Now, after just 2 days (after many editors have
approved the article to be listed), Google starts locating
websites that have published it:
Soon after, the links begin to skyrocket.
After just 5 days, we're up to 109 websites picking-up it
And it's not done yet. After a mere 8
days, the results are amazing:
353 backlinks in just 8
(with barley lifting a finger)! But,
it's not
anywhere near done yet. Just 3 days later (11th day), it keeps on
growing to
places where Google has found your article!
Keep in mind, that the link
amounts do jump up and down. And this number
will change as Google finds new links and
eliminates some old ones from its listings.
However, at the end of the day, you still end-up
with up to hundreds of backlinks without
time-consuming effort. No more hours on end spent getting
reciprocal links or submitting articles manually anymore!
Plus, these links don't even talk
about the free traffic from electronic magazines
picking-up your articles. When this
happens, you get bursts of new sales and traffic
for up to weeks after submission!
Here Are Two User's Results When They Put Their Copy To The Test:
again for your prompt customer
especially since I appreciate how
busy you
must be.
only been a week since you helped me with my
installation issue, and after “just practicing” with
Instant Article Submitter with one simple article I wrote
(with the help
of the
bonus software), I already have 909
backlinks in just a week. Incredible!
I couldn’t
be a more satisfied customer.
Stephen Holt, BSE, CSCS, PES
http://BabyBoomerFitnessExpert.com |
I was so impressed by
the results that you
showed on your sales
letter that I wanted to
try it myself and see if
I would get the same
I took a screen shot
right before I submitted
my new article to 200
websites using Instant
Article Submitter
showing that a Google
search for "Get More
Traffic, Sales and
Subscribers By
Submitting Your Articles
to Directories" returned
0 results.
Then every third day I
took another screen shot
showing the number
steadily increasing.
By the third day
Google returned 91 results. 6 days after I submitted
my article Google returned 637 results and on the
9th day it was up to 941 results.
That's amazing
results and it has been only just over a week since
I sent in my article. When I put "Get More Traffic,
Sales and Subscribers By Submitting Your Articles to
Directories" into Google today it returned 986
That's almost
1000 webpages mentioning my article, my name, my
website - and a TON of new one-way incoming links to
my site! It has only been 10 days since I
submitted my article using IAS so I expect this
number to increase over the next few days and weeks.
So, I have to say
that Instant Article Submitter worked REALLY well.
I'm definitely going to use it again and again every
time I write a new article.
All the best,
Hannes Johnson
With that said, let's cover:
The Complete Run-Down of Everything Instant Article Submitter Allows You To Do:
Submit your articles without having to visit any of the directories manually. Just fill-in in your required information once and let Instant Article Submitter do all of the time-consuming work!
Get free targeted traffic. You will find articles generate high-quality visitors likely to become customers (because they come pre-sold on what you have to offer)!
Improve search engine rankings with up to hundreds of free quality backlinks. The biggest factor to claiming top search engine positions is having loads of incoming links pointing to your site.
Submit to an always growing number of submission sites. You could never keep up with all of the quality article directories yourself. Now you always have the hottest list!
Get a massive amount of exposure to large publication owners. If you submit to only a dozen directories, then you're getting a tiny fraction of the response you should.
Get published and see your name pop-up around the web. This brings new opportunities because business partners are familiar with your expertise.
Gain credibility. This results in more sales because customers believe what YOU say... and want more of the goods you have to offer!
One-click submission. You don't have to visit each site manually. Just hit a button and let the software do everything for you.
Get near perfect submission success rate with the option to select a general category where you want your article to appear. Or select a more specific category for best results.
Promote affiliate programs for zero cost. This is a perfect way to test a program out before you spend your advertising dollars on it.
Get an up-to-date list of article directories. Every time you open the software it automatically updates. You can even suggest new directories to be added to the software with click-button ease.
Boost search engines rankings without having to be an optimization expert. Unlike complicated search engine tactics, articles are an easy near surefire to get loads of high-quality backlinks!
Get thousands of dollars worth of free advertising from ezine owners and webmasters picking up your articles. When you create a content-filled article, publishers scramble to publish it (along with a link back to your site)!
Get sites with high page rank sending you links. Many of sites where your articles appear have high page ranks because they're filled with lots of quality content (this means these links are almost guaranteed to help boost your standing with search engines).
Get your articles to the publishers. Remember, you can have the best article in the world, but if nobody uses it, then it's a waste!
Save as many projects as you want (you can have multiple resource boxes saved in). This feature is a vital time-saver if you have websites in more than 1 niche.
Save time with the ability to schedule submissions. Just set-it and forget-it. With this feature, you're completely handing off your article marketing to your new software!
Have full control over where you submit your articles to. If you want to avoid certain directories or target others, you have full control!
Choose the directories you submit to based on their Google PR ranking. The sites with the highest, offer the greater benefits for you to rise in the search rankings.
Save your article directory selections and load them-up whenever you want. Just another time-saving feature!
Plus, this tool offers a HUGE advantage for those with Adsense or Traffic Equalizer sites... because you get loads of quality backlinks with minimum effort and hassles. Not to mention, a blast of free traffic from readers!Simply put, if you have AdSense sites, then you NEED to be using article promotion combined with Instant Article Submitter -- otherwise you're missing out on a fortune of new income!
Send more search engine spiders your way (getting more of your pages inside the search engines... and at faster speeds). You won't have to wait around for months for your pages to start generating loads of free search engine traffic!
Gain help rising to the top of the rankings AND staying there for the long-run. Incoming links can be the single biggest factor that determines how you rank in the search engines!
Enjoy the benefit of one-way (non-reciprocal) links to make sure you are not penalized for sending out links to sites banned by the search engines.
Preview feature allows you to see your articles in a clear light -- to avoid typos and mistakes. And, as a result, increase the amount of publishers who pick-up your articles!
Spellchecker ensures you don't make critical errors that turn editors off. You get a complete article promotion system!
Image verification support allows submission to any directories that require you to fill-in codes from images. Instant Article Submitter has it all taken care of so you can sit back and relax!
Currently submits to 206 directories (A number that continues to grow!) Best of all, you get access to updated lists free of charge!
Automatically puts your author bio (or resource box) at the bottom of your article when directories don't have a form for it. This ensures you get always get rewarded for your articles!
Comes with the IAS Sign-Up Tool to make getting started quick and easy. Now all you have to do to register with directories is hit the "sign-up" button and watch you information get filled in to each directory. If you were to do this on your own, it would take over a full days worth of work!
Plus, much, more to make Instant article the quickest and easiest solution out there!
The bottom line is... If you're not submitting
articles with Instant Article Submitter, then your leaving easy sales on the table.
Because just imagine
what's going to happen when your sites get flooded with up to
hundreds of additional
high-quality backlinks from sites around the web... and
hundreds, even thousands of visitors pouring into your websites!
It's mind-blowing to say
the least. But,...
What If You Hate Writing... Or Just Want Some Articles Done Fast?
Instant Article Submitter you don't have to like writing to make
article promotion work for you. Because you also get 2 FREE bonuses (worth
$134.00) you can't get anywhere else.
first bonus is $97.00 Software called Instant Article Creator.
This tool walks you step-by-step to creating a winning article.
This tool jump-starts your article writing ability because you
don't have to think about what you should write.
Instead, you're shown what to type in next. Then, let
Instant Article Creator help you put your thoughts all together!
It's like having your own personal writing coach to hold your
hand through every article you create!
Here's a quick inside look:
Now you have a solid structure so you can get your articles done quickly and
pain-free! Here's how one user put it:
This software is just what it says: Instant
Article creation. At first I thought I would need to read a big
manual on how to use it, but the program is so well laid out that I
was able to follow the step by step requests of what to fill in.
It makes writing Articles so much easier
and quicker because it reminded me of all the necessary components
of creating an article.
I really like the way it guided me through by
asking me questions about the Article Title, the Body items,
Introduction and Conclusion as well as keywords, description and
product link.
This software will help you organize your
information in a quick and concise way; I love it.
Ken BiggsLos Angeles, California
But, that's not all you get to help you create
killer articles people love.
This straight and to the point 21-page guide takes
you from being a complete beginner (even if you can't write
squat) ... to being able to turn-out hot articles publishers
pine for. All in about 45 minutes!
Here are just a few strategies you'll learn:
3 quick and easy strategies to eliminate writers block (and how to avoid the pitfalls most people fall into when they hit the wall)!
5 formatting issues that editors look for in every article they pick-up. Ignore them at your peril!
A surprisingly easy way to get winning article ideas in under 5 minutes time (practically nobody realizes you can do this)!
Plus, much more!
This means Instant Article Submitter is worth
getting even if you just want these 2 bonuses -- they're that
valuable! And...
Added Together, Articles Are Now Your Perfect Advertising Solution!
Read the guide to quickly master article writing.
Then, put your Instant Article Creator to work... and let your
copy of Instant Article Submitter do the rest!
Website owners and newsletter publishers will
flock to your articles in the directories -- giving you loads of
fresh visitors and quality backlinks.
All of the frustration, that comes with making
article promotion work is non-existent.
Here are 2
user's reviews of this
What can I can say?...
Obviously you've provided a great new landscape for article marketing. Now I don't have to submit articles the old way any longer.
And even for those who think they can't
write... you've added a step-by-step tool to literally pull articles
out of non-writers.
Now anyone can write & market with articles using your Instant Article Submitter tool. This is a credible, viable and doable approach to article marketing that I think will go a long way in helping get traffic and clicks that pay. What I like is the easy-to-use desktop interface that advances each step through completion. Just using this tool can put money in people's pockets by marketing their own articles like never before.
PLUS, the link back SEO results you showed me
are quite incredible to say the least... I'm just really glad I
heard about this, got my own copy AND look forward to telling my
list members about it too.
Michael Nicholas http://www.EmailProfitTriggers.com |
I LOVE Instant Article Submitter
It makes submitting articles to hundreds of online authority sites as simple as 1,2,3 and makes the almost annoying task of getting your websites indexed in the search engines much easier, faster and much more effective. - Raymond McNally http://www.AchievingYourGoals101.com |
So, what's the investment to rid you of all
your headaches? And get your websites (or affiliate sites)
full of free traffic and backlinks? Well, here's good news.
It's Only A Small One-Time Investment -- Without Recurring Payments That Add-Up To Big Bucks.
Unlike letting someone
else submit your articles (where you hope they end-up in
the best directories), you don't have to pay every time you have
a new article.
Instead, you're submitted
to an always updated list of hot submission sites for a
one-time investment. This means with only a few articles,
you're saving money!
It's one less monthly
payment required to run your business. Plus, that's not
even considering....
The Free Traffic Pays Off Time and Time Again!
Although not every
article can spread like crazy around the web, when you do get a
major hit... you can easily gain hundreds of backlinks and
thousands of targeted visitors.
Because remember, even
the most popular sites on the web (with tens of thousands of
visitors each day) are looking for quality articles!
So, why not yours?
With Instant Article Submitter, you're giving yourself the best
chance to succeed.
Because you
articles get maximum exposure to publishers.
Plus, Just Compare Owning Instant Article Submitter To More Expensive Ways Of Promoting Your Website.
When you've got a new
website -- your options to get affordable traffic are scarce.
You don't have affiliates yet. And pay-per-click
advertising costs add-up with an untested website.
This is why articles are
perfect for getting all of your websites established. Not
only because they send a burst of backlinks and free traffic...
But, because they also establish you as an expert.
Prospects don't just just
become familiar with you through a sales pitch, but they get a taste of what you have to
offer through your articles. No other promotion method
offers this vital benefit.
Best of all, getting
started is affordable. At only $97, this a far
cry from the thousands of dollars it would cost to hire a search
engine optimization expert... or pay for expensive advertising.
Instead, Your Copy of Instant Article Submitter Acts As A Traffic Faucet You Can Turn On Whenever You Want!
Simply put-out quality
articles whenever you choose and watch the traffic pour-in.
This means your
investment pays off in no time flat! All it takes are few
short articles.
Listen, if you're not
using article promotion (or not as often as you should), then
your business desperately needs the Instant Article
Submitter package.
It's the difference
between struggling to get your sites going... or having
profitable sites (stuffed with traffic) as quickly as possible.
Getting your copy is an
easy choice.
And With Virtually All of Our Tools...
You don't have to worry about losing your
investment (in fact, the value of Instant Article Submitter
Because unlike other software products that
quickly become outdated, you get FREE upgrades.
This means whenever new directories are added, you
get the updated list right away!
Additionally, the same is true for added
usability features. When new and helpful ones are needed,
then you can rest assured they will be added.
This advantage alone gives you peace of
mind Instant Article Submitter is your best option. And
you have no reason for waiting to get your copy now. Your
investment is secure.
Plus, if free upgrades aren't enough, you're
also backed-up by our...
"You CAN'T Lose 60-Day Personal 100% Money Back Guarantee!"
My partner and I are so confident
you're going to love the results you get with
Instant Article Submitter...When you grab your new copy right now,
you get our ironclad, 100%, 60-day money-back guarantee!
This means you're taking Instant Article
Submitter for a risk-free test-run!
Then, if you aren't thrilled with your
results, you lose nothing. Simply ask for a refund (for any
reason at all) and get your investment sent back to you! This
means you can only gain a fortune in free traffic, backlinks, and
new respect... and you can't lose.
Plus, you should also know that Instant
Article Submitter's price isn't going to stay at it's current price
for long. Because new features are already in the works and
will be released soon. And when this happens, the price is
going to shoot up to $147.
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